Transport Policy


Shipping companies: We work with world wide leading logistic companies

DHL : Germany
DHL Express : Canada, Bulgaria, Hong Kong, India, Singapore, Saoudi Arabia
UPS : USA, United Kingdom, France *, Austria, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Australia, Colombia, United Arab Emirates, Spain *, Ireland, Finland, New Zealand, Romania, Sweden.
Colissimo International : Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, 

BPost : Belgium

GLS: Hungary, Poland, ...

(* Except the islands)

Delivery times: We are committed to delivering to you as quick as possible

We have sorted out the best transport companies that are both fast and safe. Most of them contact you to inform you of the delivery or if they need other information for delivery.

Orders placed from Monday to Friday before 10:00 am (European Time) are processed during the day. Packages are generally dispatched within 24-48h (business days) after receipt of your payment. As soon as your package is shipped, you will receive an automatic email with the carrier link and the tracking number of your package.

FREE shipping costs : for European Union*

* European countries for which we OFFER transport: France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland.

Other countries at € 19.00 shipping costs: USA, Canada, Bulgaria, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Rep. Czech, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey.

Other countries at € 29.00 shipping costs: Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Colombia, United Arab Emirates.

Customs Duties/Import taxes

When ordering from a country other than the Netherlands, you are the importer of the product (s) in the country of delivery.
Within the European Union, the reduced VAT for food supplements is applied.
If you order outside the European Union, you will NOT pay the European taxes. However, your country of delivery might ask you import duties, or other import taxes. 
These import taxes and duties are not under the responsibility of our company, Viaphyt BV. All amounts raising from import taxes and duties will be under the sole responsibility of the customer, both in terms of declarations and payments to the competent authorities and / or bodies in their country.

The packages are oversized and protected.


For any questions on product or your order


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